Energy Storage Canada report proposes 6 GW long duration storage for Ontario’s net-zero goals

(view the original article at Electrical Business)

By Anthony Capkun
February 6, 2024

A new report released by Energy Storage Canada (ESC) illustrates “the substantial potential of [long duration energy storage a.k.a. LDES] to contribute to the realization of the [Ontario]’s economic growth and energy transition objectives”.

Conducted by Dunsky Advisors, “Long duration storage opportunity assessment: a critical component in growing Ontario’s clean energy economy” suggests that deploying up to 6 GW of LDES starting in 2032 could be a cost-effective solution to mitigating potential supply, planning, and deployment risks on Ontario’s pathway to net-zero.

“[…] Ontario is already recognized as a national and global leader in energy storage,” said Justin Rangooni, ESC’s executive director, adding that the Independent Electricity System Operator “needs to capitalize on that momentum and continue future-proofing our energy system by making a clear commitment to procuring cost-saving [LDES] resources.”

As a group of technologies, ESC says LDES will play a critical role in decarbonizing Ontario’s existing supply and scaling up non-emitting generation by integrating intermittent renewables, hydroelectric and baseload nuclear, while providing a source of reliable capacity during low-generation, high-demand periods.

The report finds LDES can help protect against potential development risks and vulnerabilities in IESO’s “Pathways to decarbonization” scenarios while optimizing the performance of small modular reactors (SMRs), grid-scale nuclear, blue and green hydrogen assets, and other emerging resources.

To allow for long lead times, the report encourages IESO to commit to a competitive LDES procurement by 2024, and launch a competitive process in 2025.

“Accelerating the development and deployment of long duration energy storage offers the best pathway to full decarbonization for Ontario, Canada, and the world,” said Julia Souder, CEO, LDES Council.

Energy Storage Canada is a national trade association dedicated to the growth and market development of energy storage through policy advocacy, education, collaboration, and research.


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